
Well, I had a dream about an upcoming scene in AbNo the Smoosh this morning, and I think I'm going to go with it. Vicki knows what I'm talking about, but I'm not going to spoil the surprise for anyone here. Aren't I mean?

On other news, I have a schedule of things to get done for today, as well as a schedule of things I "Have to Do" vs. things I "Want to Do" and the proposed date of completion, if there is one. I've already gotten one thing off my list today (Prince of Shadows edits finished and sent!) so I feel pretty confident I can get the rest of my list done for today. We will see.

I am not, however, going to play with my template any more today. I spent far too long playing with it yesterday, and I kind of like it the way it currently stands!

Okay. Need to comb my hair and then get to work. It was raining, but now the sun's shining, so my packages won't get wet when I go to the PO later on.

More later...


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