Ladybug, Ladybug isn't done yet. I think I may have written 100 words yesterday--first we went to Burlington, then Lowe's and Goodwill, and then I had to watch Ethan. By the end of the night, I was pooped!

So, today I'll make a concerted effort to finish it.

It was the last Burlington yesterday. I can't believe this year has gone so fast! Everyone was marking down so they wouldn't have to haul the stuff home and keep it until spring. I didn't intend to buy so much, but the prices were right and I just couldn't pass up the following items:

3 bookcases--1 6ft. tall, 1 4ft. tall, and one small stick bookcase for $50 (the large one replaces Em's bookcase in my hallway for my fabric. The medium one doesn't have a place yet, although it might end up on top my desk. The small one is the 'small table for beside the new chair' that I said I'd look for--it fits perfectly.)

1 48" wide shelf, painted white, with six (I think) graduating shelves. This fit perfectly between the large window in the Green Room. And I mean perfectly. Dad said he couldn't have made it to fit better. Plants and decorative bottles will go on the top two shelves. Depending on if the cats can jump up there, other things will go on the lower shelves. (This remains to be seen, since they haven't jumped up there lately because of the curtains.) $15

6 small glass bowls (I don't know the design, but we used to have some at Mom and Dad's until they all broke) for $1/each. These bowls are great for smaller servings of ice cream, soup, and other stuff. They are all different colors. Last time at Burlington, we saw some of these bowls for $4 each, so I think I got a good deal.

A mantlel 'from a 70-year old house', for $4. I will use this huge piece of wood (it's quite plain, no decorations, but nicely stained) for my plants to sit on between two pillars. That way, I know I have enough room, and it won't look bad in the conservatory section of the dining room.

A very small, perhaps olive wood, zither with a flower design in the middle for $10. It only has like 8 strings, but it's tuneable (although it needs new strings) and old.

A porch light! Very cool. I'll post a picture later. This will go on the front porch, to replace the Ugly Light that I never turn on. We can put a timer on it and a flourescent bulb, so it can be 'on' all the time like the other outside lights. Yay! For $12.

A wool crazy quilt top for $5. It's in good shape, with only a couple of moth holes. I did drool over a vintage velveteen patchwork quilt for $110, though. Quite out of my price range, but whoever sewed it had a good eye for color. (Very jewel-toned and the cobalt blue velvet was lovely.)

At Goodwill, all I got was a brass formed cane marked "The Cincinnati Shaper Co." and a velvet jacket that claims it's 90% wool, which I'm doubting quite a lot, since while I've heard of silk and cotton velvet, I've never heard of wool velvet (and it doesn't feel like wool, anyway; it feels like polyester velvet.) All for $4.50.

All in all, a good, if exhausting, day.

Today, I need to do my bills, go to the Post Office for stamps for my bills, finish Ladybug, Ladybug, put away my clean clothes, clean my room, and juice tomatoes. I also have to find a good recipe for Green Tomato Salsa. So I'd best get going!


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