Well, I brought in some of the plants tonight. Not all of them--I ran out of daylight after work, and decided to do the rest on Saturday. So I came upstairs to the office to do something on my list for tomorrow, which was pack up faerie supplies for Em. Dad's going to ship the box to Portland, so I can cross that off my list. Which I just did.

Here's what's on my list for the weekend:

--Bring in rest of plants
--Start in office
--Call Em @ 4am her time and wish her Happy Birthday
--Work in office
--Gather up craft show stuff
--Work in office
--Gather up craft show stuff
--Post auctions (if I get to this I'll be surprised)
--Work in office
--Make chili for chili supper

Yes, some of those things are doubled and tripled. That's the idea, since I have three days to my weekend. So I can at least cross something off every day.

I would like to get a good start in the office this weekend. Even finish it, but I'm not going to hold myself to that. A good start would be nice and make it a bit more workable in here.

Here's what the writing schedule looks like at the moment for the rest of the year:

10/20-10/31 Work on HD rewrite
11/1-11/30 Write on The Seventh Secret, the next Jacob Lane book for NaNoWriMo
12/1-12/31 Work on HD rewrite

Ideas floating around in my head are the sequel to Blood of the Innocents, which needs to be finished, an unwritten sequel to Nine Lives and Three Wishes, the next Jacob Lane book, another Karen Montgomery/Beth-Hill story (I subbed Ladybug, Ladybug to Jintsu yesterday evening), and rewriting Fire and Water. Among everything else going on, my plate will be quite full next year!


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