I definitely got a workout tonight. After eating dinner with Mom and Dad, I came home and checked to see if the ground was dry enough to till. It was, so I broke out my Mantis and went to town. Literally!

It weighs 16 pounds, but you move it back and forth like a vacuum cleaner. And boy, do you feel it in your arms! I do have a blister, too, so I'll probably wear gloves next time, but whew! It's definitely a workout. I don't think I need to worry about exercise anytime soon, especially since I have the big garden to till as well as the rest of the little garden.

The only issue was one I should have known already--if you use it in too tall of grass, the grass winds around the blades and the blades get stuck. I ran out of daylight to fix it tonight, so I will remove the rest of the grass tomorrow when I get home from work and mow the section that is left to till in the little garden so I can till it easier and don't have the same problem again.

In about 45 minutes, I got the whole little garden tilled, including a 12" x 5' section of never-before-tilled part (where I ran out of steam last year. I can see me finishing the little garden tomorrow, if all goes well and my arms hold out. :)


Today I also had a cool idea for a pretty simple little toy. Meaning one I can make rather simply, sell on ebay (hopefully) for a low starting bid, and have some fun as I do it. I am finishing the prototype now.

And he's finished.

Here is Edgar, the very first Monster of Many Colors (MMC):

He is a Sweater Monster, made from a 100% wool sweater. His eyes are vintage buttons, and so are his teeth! (I'm going to have to find more of those. He is intended to be primitive in style. He is weighted on the bottom, so he stands just fine. He is about 6 inches tall. (Pardon the light; the left side button doesn't show up very well at all. His mouth is fabric paint, although I think I might try yarn next time. I do like how he turned out, though. :)

I will get a better picture tomorrow.


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