My calluses have blisters, but close to half of the garden has been tilled! Yay!

I also helped Mom push a chipper/shredder up the hill on 133 (I'm feeling it now) that Mom and Dad bought at a yard sale, and cleared out a section near the smaller maple tree in my backyard where the Columbines are and planted Columbine and Johnny Jump-Up seeds, as well as a purple viola and some firecracker carnations. I can see the flowers from my office window, which is kind of the point.

I also ringed that bed with some rocks and bricks from the Pile so the neighbor who gets a bit overzealous with her trimmer (I don't really mind) doesn't chop things down. Not that I really think she would, but it looks nice anyway.

I think my wrists have had enough tilling for tonight, so I'm not planning to do any more until tomorrow.

Almost all the seeds I planted are up, and I think I saw poppy seedlings when I checked on Thursday. Which is good!

I tore out two honeysuckle bushes to make the flowerbed, but I'm going to leave the others mostly alone. I like honeysuckle.


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