I had some really weird dreams last night, probably brought on by the fact that I didn't get much sleep Sunday night and I went to bed at 8pm last night.

Needless to say, I'm wide awake this morning. If there was anything going on at the fair late last night, it didn't even wake me up.

I did, however, have to turn on my air conditioner (in my bedroom) until 1:30am, because it was just too hot to sleep (even worse if you wanted to go to bed early like I did!) so I left it on until it got too annoying, and then I opened my window. Hopefully, this is it. It's supposed to be hot again today, and then the front is moving through, and we're going to see some more normal weather. As long as the nights are cool, I really don't have an issue. But after another week and a half of HEAT, the nights tend not to be cool anymore. There's a saturation point there as well.

So it's humid, but comfortable this morning. I can deal with that.


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