And I took some time last night and today to read Scarecrows in its entirety, because as I wrote I kept having the nagging feeling that something Was Not Right.

And I was correct. I've included some information that would have it happening after The Secret of Redemption, when, in fact, I'd decided that it happens before that particular piece of the puzzle. However, that's not the only problem.

I like the Hunt's parts. I like Kyren's dilemma, and how he reacts to what he feels he has to do. In truth, I like everything but Sarah and Michael's subplot. It's just not working out at all.

In Heart's Desire, Sarah was undoubtedly the main character. The Hunt's story was a subplot that tried to take over the whole novel and didn't quite succeed. But Fire and Water was largely a Hunt novel--with a bit of Sarah and Michael thrown in there for good measure.

I'm just not feeling that Scarecrows belongs to the Council. It's another Hunt novel, or Hunt/Kyren novel, in truth, and I've been trying to force it into the mold I thought it belonged in when I started it what seems like so many darned years ago. (Well, one of the original chapters still exists in this version of the novel, but that's about to change.)

Yes, that means another rewrite. But I'm going to be keeping a lot of what I already have, because I do like the way it's going. I'm just not going to involve the Council, save for bit parts here and there. Sarah and Michael will have to wait.

Perhaps the next Beth-Hill novel will be theirs. If the Hunt (and now Kyren) ever deign to relinquish their hold. :)


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