I walked out into the garden this afternoon (and then promptly fled back inside, because it was very hot and I'm still recovering from yesterday) and saw that I'll be tying up tomatoes this week/this coming weekend, depending on the HEAT.

I think I had 100% germination on my sesame seed that I saved from last year, which is phenomenally surprising.

My squash is blooming! All male blooms so far, but they always come first anyway.

My cucumbers have female blooms! Yay!

I really, really need to finish the string on the trellis. Another thing for my list of things to do.

In the back, the mystery squash/gourd is getting quite big. I wish I knew what it was.

My blueberries have actual blueberries on them!

And I've picked raspberries every day for the past two weeks.

I did--finally--get the sweet potatoes planted.

The last items to go into the garden will be peppers, this week (I have to pick some up from Mom and Dad's house.) The peppers that are planted currently are growing quite well.

I have cosmos about to bloom in the flower 'garden', too.


Unknown said…
I'm jealous of your raspberries, but I've already had my first cucumber so I guess it evens out. :) Yay on the great germination and getting almost everything planted!
Jennifer said…
Yes, that evens it out, because I was jealous of your cucumber! :)

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