Picked two more cucumbers today. I will have more zucchini to pick tomorrow.

Now is the time of eating supper from the garden every night (and sometimes lunches too!) If I had chickens*, I'd be set. Tonight, here was my recipe: a bowl full of beet leaves and swiss chard, with sliced baby zucchini on top of that. Add a little butter. Microwave for 1 minute 30 seconds on high, then sprinkle with mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese and microwave for 1 minute more. Delicious, nutritious, and quick! (I use the soup bowls from my dishes, which aren't really good for soup or cereal; they are too big. Soup needs a deep bowl. These bowls are great for salads, and other stuff you don't want to run everywhere. I use them for spaghetti, too. Perfect. Soup bowls should look like this, instead.)

I wanted something for dessert, but since I'm out of raspberries for the moment as well as eggs (again, chickens!), I decided to look up a recipe for an eggless spice cake. I found one--I found quite a few, actually, but most of them were eggless, milkless and butterless. I'm sure they taste fine, but I tweaked the recipe (I had some milk that's starting to go off, so I really wanted to use it up) and we'll see how it tastes. It's in the oven now.)

Oh, and the squash/gourd is turning orange! What the heck?

*Seriously, if I worked closer to home, I would have chickens.


Unknown said…
Could it be a potimarron? (Pictured here: http://chocolateandzucchini.com/archives/2005/01/hello_gorgeous.php. I tried growing them last year but only got one before squash borers killed the plant.)
Jennifer said…
I'm actually growing potimarrons this year, and they are coming in yellow. But it's the right shape! :)

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