Tonight was a garden night (I pick every other day; it seems to work out fine that way), and I was both hoping it would rain and hoping it would not. I hoped it would so I could get some stuff done inside, and hoped it wouldn't so I could go and pick what needed to be picked.

It didn't rain, so I picked. Six cucumbers, 1 1/2lbs. of beans, one zucchini, and two yellow crookneck squash. I have three pounds of beans in my fridge right now; I really have to use that up. I may separate the varieties and make the purple podded pole beans first, and then maybe even shell the others, since they are rather large. But we'll see what I decide.

I also picked two blackberries; not that many, but there are quite a few almost ripe, so maybe tomorrow. I won't do an every-other-day thing for the blackberries, obviously.

I also received the sourdough starter and yogurt cultures in the mail today. I'm not sure the sourdough starter will survive, but we'll see. It may. I didn't have time to feed it tonight, though, so it will have to wait until tomorrow and maybe work overnight. The yogurt, however, is culturing on my countertop; I am hoping it's not too warm inside for it, although it shouldn't be. If all goes well, either I'll have actual yogurt by morning or I'll have to wait a bit longer. Then, evidently, I can do it by the quart, which is nice.

Otherwise, I got some dishes done, played my fiddle for a bit, started to tune the new fiddle (I'm doing it in stages this time, so it's tuned a note lower on all strings at the moment.) My mountain fiddle/pochette actually held the tuning from last night, so I'm hoping that means the wood is starting to settle down a bit. I have noticed that the tone is a bit smoother. I think it's maturing. ;)

Ebay fiddle #1 holds its tune just fine, which is really nice. I'm hoping Ebay fiddle #2 will do so as well.

This weekend is another busy weekend--it's Burlington again on Sunday, and then there's the Taste of St. George on Saturday evening. There's also an auction in Georgetown on Saturday. I'm just doing tea for the Taste, so that's not time-intensive, and I will probably go to the auction and not plan to stay. If I pump up my bike tires, I could ride my bike. Hmm.


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