It feels like I've been neglecting this blog, however, all I really have to say is snow, snow, snow, oh, look, snow, static, static, crochet, handspun, cleaning, I bought a Great Wheel spinning wheel*, where am I going to put this? And I'm going to see The Wolfman tomorrow afternoon.

It's a three-day weekend, thank goodness. I have some maneuvering to do.

*Incidentally, the wheel of a Great Wheel** does not fit in my car. A VERY PUBLIC THANK YOU to my wonderful Dad who took time out of his day to come pick the wheel up from work. After I drove five miles with it sticking out of the back of my car (securely tied, of course) in 20 degree weather. Brrrrr.

**Yes, you would be right in thinking that I do actually have two of these now...


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