Spindle pictures:

Okay, so I haven't gotten very far with the Turkish Spindle; maybe I'll do a bit tonight.

Turkish spindle compared to homemade spindle #1 with a quarter for size.

On the big regular spindle--pink wool.

Right now I am just trying for consistency. I am doing better.

Homemade spindle #1; it works!
This is some sort of fiber, probably alpaca, raw, that I got from ebay in a lot of stuff.
It's very fuzzy.

Homemade spindle #1 with a quarter for size.

Homemade spindle #2, spinning tussah silk.

This one's actually easier to use than #1.

I will admit that I bought a bunch of odd fiber from ebay in early January so I would have plenty to play with. I am also working through what Jenny sent me so long ago! So I have a lot to work with, but oh, I can see where it would be so tempting to just buy gobs of fiber. I'm actually having a lot of fun with this. I might just keep at it and see where it takes me. I think I prefer spindles, though, although I wouldn't say no to a castle-style wheel eventually, if I keep on spinning.


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