Tempting, tempting...

I'm being tempted right now. Tempted to trash the last chapter of AbNo2 and change the plot a bit. It wouldn't touch the rest of it, really; I'm planning for Susan to find Sennet & Co. still, so that part would stand. But I think it would be a great idea for her to get captured by Z. now. I am so horrible to my characters.

So what does that mean? Quite a bit of new stuff. As in, I'd guess at least 50 pages, if not more. And a warning from Susan's grandfather, I think. He can find Sennet and tell her what happened. She'll flip. :) But Susan and Cullen would end up together in Faerie at first, so that would work. I was a bit hesitant about how it currently stands anyway.

So that means Ellery gets moved, but that's about it for the original. Only one chapter cut, and four or five added... I can handle that. :)

Snip snip.

More later...


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