At the moment, Scarecrows stands at 16k. Had two interesting conversations throughout the past two chapters... the Hunt is still dealing with Certain Occurences (from F&W--I don't want to spoil anything) and Michael is also dealing with Certain Things himself.

While I'm not sure I can truly classify this as a Hunt novel, they definitely play a major part. Which is all well and truly good, since they number among my favorite characters.

Yesterday I wrote up a timeline to keep things straight as well. Since there are so many series here set in the same world, I have to be careful and match them with each other. I mean... let's see.

Here's the timeline so far as I remember it:

*Binding the Hunt (The Hunt/Gabriel/The Council/Lucas' ancestor/Stefan, etc.)
*NL (Nine Lives and Three Wishes, Tib/Misty/Nia/Alden, etc.)
AbNo (Absolutely Nothing, Sennet/Cullen/Talora/Orien, etc.)
*TTG (The Tenth Ghost, Jacob/Lucas/Ophelia/Emma, etc.)
AlSo (Always Something, Cullen/Sennet/Talora/Orien, etc.)
HD (Heart's Desire, Sarah/Michael/Lucas/Tib/Gabriel/the Hunt, etc.)
*TNG (The Ninth Guest, Jacob, Ophelia/Ophelia's family, etc.)
F&W (Fire and Water, The Hunt/Gabriel/Sarah/Michael/Lucas/Tib/Stefan, etc.)
*BC (Budget Cuts, Karen/Ivy/Nathaniel/The Hunt/Gabriel/Kyren, etc.)
Scarecrows (Sarah/Michael/The Hunt/Amalea/Nathaniel/Gabriel/Kyren, etc.)
CtS (Counting the Stars, Matthieu/Meg/Timothy/Lydia/ and a cameo from Ivy, etc.)

(and far into the future, *Prince of Shadows, *Lost in Shadows, and *Bound in Shadows. Almost forgot about those.)

(* = sold, or in the case of Binding the Hunt, posted.)

The Eighth Room, the next Jacob Lane book, will be set the same time as Scarecrows. Lucas is at Darkbrook in Scarecrows, taking care of something (I'm not sure what it is yet, but I have a few ideas.)

I already have a Malachi story (he's one of the Hunt for those of you who don't know) in my mind that will bring back Karen Montgomery of Budget Cuts. I had that idea today. Don't know when I will write it, but it's in the works. And it might actually be a short story. Ha. My what, fourth?

And since Scarecrows and Meet the Parents have melded, Nathaniel will have to wait for his very own story... although he did play a largish part in BC.

I actually seem to have quite a bit of material already, but there's so much more left to write. I mean... sheesh. I want to write a novel about the origins of the Hunt eventually, and perhaps end it with the Binding of the Hunt (and utilize my short story) but we'll see. That would definitely have to be a historical novel, and I'm not sure I have it in me to write a historical novel. (In truth, I'm not sure I can write Gabriel as a villain. A sympathetic villain, sure, but still.)

*sigh* So many books, so little time...


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