Got to 28,067 last night. Not bad. Nathaniel and Amalea had a glimpse of what-will-come and we're still working through that vision.

The plot is getting quite interesting, at least for me.

And they're calling to me this morning, but alas I have to work. *sigh*

I wrote 3k yesterday. That's probably a record for a workday, and I didn't write one word during work time, even.

Having a Dana (or any portable writing machine/notebook/whatever) really helps when you work 40-hours a week. I wrote at lunch. I wrote last night while waiting for people to get home, I wrote last night while Ethan jumped on my back and pulled my hair. And when I was ready to go upstairs, I wrote a bit more.

My goal is to reach 35k by the end of the weekend (Monday for me.) I should make it, if this keeps going the way it's going. We shall see.


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