I've had a cold all weekend (well, since Thursday, really) and last night, I tried a new cough medicine because the liquid cough medicine has HFCS in it and I'm still trying to avoid it.

I took Robitussin Cough gels, and they were absolutely horrible. I coughed all night long! And the bad thing--they are supposed to "work" for 8 hours, so I couldn't take anything else to get some relief! ARGH. I ended up raiding both office chairs for pillows, propping myself up, and trying to sleep almost sitting up, which didn't really work at all.

And then, every time I was about to fall asleep, my lovely cats would jump on my bed and make nuisances of themselves. It was a very exhausting night.

At least I didn't have to wake up early this morning, though, and I did drop off eventually. But I wasted my money on that stuff. I won't buy it again.

This morning, I discovered that someone (*cough*Zoey*cough*) had peed on Mabel's blanket again--that hadn't happened for a while, and then it happened last weekend and now this weekend. My only thought is that someone was in the litterbox when she wanted to use it? I'm not really sure. But it's in the wash again, and I might wait a bit before putting it back on the floor. I wish I could stop that; she already ruined Mabel's pillow, and Mabel does like to lay on her blanket.

I'm not putting a special litterbox in the entry room for Zoey. I'm already feeding her in a special place, and she now has water in the same spot. I'm not putting a litterbox there to. She needs to deal with her dislike of everyone else and just stop being stupid. I'm sick of it!

I'm going to go work on my list in a bit, though, and try to get some stuff crossed off before noon. We'll see how far I get.

(Mabel is in here now informing me that she has to go potty, so I guess this will be a short entry.)


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