Didn't sleep with my bayonet, but I did sleep with my cell phone. Chris slept downstairs on the futon.

And boy, was the nightlife busy last night! At 12:30, we had some drunk guy talking to himself in a foreign language (at least that's what it sounded like) and walking down the road (I'm not sure what road it was; he sounded close, but sound carries like you wouldn't believe around here.) At 3:30, maybe 2:30, we had a domestic disturbance quite a bit aways; or maybe they were in a car. I heard him yelling, her screaming back at him, and a kid crying. When I went downstairs to call the police (I figured at least they could get them for disturbing the peace, but I truly had no idea where they were) the sounds stopped and I didn't hear them again. So I went back to sleep.

Not to mention a couple of joyriders throughout the night. I doubt that either of us slept very well. But Chris had to go help collect money with the KofC this morning, so he had to get up early anyway. :(

And I discovered last night that they took my black leather jacket, too. And Chris' wedding ring. Argh.

I know, it could have been much worse.

More later.


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