I didn't get out into the garden very early this morning, but I did get out there, and I picked beans, cucumbers, another Fordhook acorn squash, tomatoes (including the ones almost ripe because it's supposed to rain these next few days) and okra. I'm considering making pizza for supper tonight using up a few of the really ripe tomatoes and some other stuff from the garden. We'll see.

The rest of today has been pretty quiet so far. I went to lunch with Mom and Dad, played with Miss Moppet until she got into trouble (she has to learn "No face!" like everyone else) and started this week's loaf of bread. Now I'm going to write for a bit as the bread rises.

It's funny how everyone around here sleeps in the afternoon. Right at the moment, there are four cats sleeping in the living room--well, Basil isn't sleeping, but he will be soon, I think--and Mabel's asleep in the entry room. (And now that I come to think about it, Loki is probably here too; he's either under the couch or in his box, which I don't dare toss.) I'm not sure if Miss Moppet is asleep or not, because she never sleeps when I am there, despite my efforts.

In fact, I could take a nap myself, but I'm not planning to.

It actually rained for a bit this afternoon, and it started right when I went out into the garden to pick the almost-ripe tomatoes (I'd picked the ripe ones earlier.) I'd forgotten that it was supposed to rain and I didn't want them to split, so I picked the not-quite-ripe ones too. I've already eaten the cherry tomatoes I picked today. They were yummy!


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