The slugs really like the Mortgage Lifter tomatoes. It doesn't help that the plant itself is practically on the ground because it broke the tomato cage I had over it--with eight large tomatoes on it, I think it would be on the ground anyway.

Since the slugs like that variety of tomato so much, I've been having to pick them a little early. Tonight, two had split, so I had to pick them too. That means I have four Mortgage Lifter tomatoes on my baking table. In a week or so, I should have enough ripe tomatoes to start juicing. Yay!

The cucumbers are still bearing. The beans not so much right now, although a second flowering is in progress, so they should pick up soon. My sesame, however, is flowering its little heart out, and it looks like most of the flowers will have seed pods, which is wonderful. I might actually have enough to use this year. Yum!

At the moment, I've sacrificed one Potimarron squash and one tomato that wasn't ripe enough to pick (it would have been rotten by then) to the slugs. Unfortunately, this year, I seem to have garden-variety slugs and not my cool Leopard slugs, so I'm not very pleased about that. And a plethora of crickets for some reason. At least they should eat the leavings of the garden fairly quickly.

(I'm still trying to figure out why nothing seems to eat the cucumbers.)

This weekend I'll be digging up potatoes, so we'll see how many I end up with.


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