It was 55F at the thermostat when I woke up this morning, mostly because I closed all the windows. It was only a two cat night, however. Loki and Chloe did not join me in my nice warm bed.

It was supposed to be a patchy frost last night as well, and I should have gone back out into the garden to pick stuff, especially beans, but I didn't make it out there. So hopefully the patchy frost (if it even happened) did not hurt anything. I know that the volunteer spaghetti squash is still fine out back, so maybe it didn't frost at all.

I drank too much strong tea last night, and had trouble getting to sleep. The tractor pull at the fair wasn't that loud, really. So I slept in a bit this morning.

I have a lot to do today nonetheless, one of which is to decide if I'm making soup for lunches next week, or something else.


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