While I'm waiting for my hair to dry...

This week went far too fast. I'm not going to go to the Writer's Group meeting tonight; I didn't get anything done yesterday, and going to the meeting would mean I'd have to get everything done Friday night. So.

Oh well. By the next meeting of this group, I'll have finished OCS (hopefully), and I'll be able to go. Of course, the new AbNo will be done by then and they only have the first chapter, but oh well.

No errands tonight other than the PO, I hope. And dropping off my paycheck.

Tonight's list:

Mop Kitchen Floor

Work in Basement

Go to PO

Write beginning at 9:30pm

The 9:30pm writing seems to be working quite nicely during OCS. I like to write before I go to bed; it's like drinking a cup of hot tea. *g*

Oh, WIP update too--I hit page 103 last night on the new AbNo. I'm almost 1/3 finished. I'm aiming for 90k, if I haven't said that already.

More later, I'm sure... I have to get going or I'll be really late for work.


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