Okay. I got a Visor. Everyone knows this by now, I'm sure. Well, I've kind of allowed AbNo to become my Visor novel, just because I've been lying in bed for an hour or so and writing at night. Really nice. Except for last night when the Visor froze (first time that ever happened!) and I lost a paragraph.

But anyway, that's not what I'm here for today. I've been having some weird-o problems with Quickword vs. Word. It's formatting, and italics, which I don't really care about, but it's irritating enough to mention here. There's some weird thing in Word that when I transfer AbNo to Quickword, everything after Chapter 6 is italicized. I'm not sure why, and I've talked to customer service about it.

So anyway, I thought that perhaps last night's problem was because AbNo was 600k (supposedly, about 85k words.) and I thought maybe the file was too big or something. So I switched it to text, thinking that would help, but now it says the file is 977k!! What in the heck? I'm not sure I get it.

I love the Visor, but geez. This is weird.


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