Got Royalties?

I received my second royalty payment from Writers-Exchange today. Yay! The first one was (I think) a month after The Tenth Ghost was published, so it wasn't much, but this one was a lot larger. I am happy.

One of these days, I'm going to figure out a marketing campaign and get bunches of books sold! Sheesh. :)

Today's question is:

Why would someone (name withheld to protect the guilty) who knows he is going to get home late at night and knows there are perfectly good leftovers waiting for him in the fridge, stop at a fast food restaurant to get high fat, high cholesterol, high-everything-bad-and-can-barely-be-called-food instead of coming home, popping the leftovers in the microwave for two minutes and eating that?

I would like nothing better than to have food waiting for me at home instead of spending more time at the drive-thru window (not to mention the fact that said someone does not need to eat another double triple burger with cheese and a extra-large order of greasy fries...) I just don't understand.

What do you want to bet that this someone (name still withheld, but I'm just about positive you know who I'm talking about) eats out more than once a week while I'm in Florida? Can we say BUDGET?!?!

Anyway. Just a wondering, since I obviously don't get it. *sigh*


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