Life, the Universe... Episode II (Here We Go Again)

Just to set the record straight:

I am getting very sick of this.

I do not have an unlimited amount of patience.

I am quickly nearing my saturation point for stupidity.


Why is it that when garçon stupide and I get into a car (or truck, rather) together, he takes that time to point out everything he thinks is wrong with me?

Case in point:

According to my husband, I am addicted to the computer. Not the internet; the computer. I try to explain to him that where does he think we would be without the money I made from ebay and that the computer is a tool that I use to get my various jobs done. He does not buy this. So, let's look up the definition of addiction. According to the American Heritage Dictionary (via


Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance: a drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction.
An instance of this: a person with multiple chemical addictions.

The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.
An instance of this: had an addiction for fast cars.

Aha! The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something. Well, this does describe me to a T, doesn't it? I am compulsively and habitually occupied or involved in writing, aren't I? Does that mean I'm addicted to the written word?

Gee, I can see it now: "Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I'm addicted to writing." The druggies would laugh me off the stage.

But you know what? He has a point, a small one. He's wrong; I'm not addicted to the computer. But I will admit that it's a tool I utilize to fuel my addiction--to writing.

But let's look at that definition again. We already know that smokers are addicted to nicotine; are avid golfers addicted to swinging the golf club? What about the people who have to watch a certain show (or shows) on television? Are they addicted?

Hmm. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be addicted to writing.

(More later, perhaps; we're getting ready to leave.)

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