Did I mention that it's supposed to get up to 97 today?

The little piece for my thermometer to read the outside temperature has run out of batteries, but I imagine it's very hot, since it's quite HOT in here too, even with the air conditioners running. (Ugh!) But it's really just humid--the temperature is holding steady at about 75 degrees with 75% humidity (upstairs), although I'm hoping that drops a bit as the day goes on. The kitchen is currently holding steady at 80.3, which isn't bad. The fan in the doorway helps.

The entry room is half done. Ethan's desk and computer are accessible again, and I've been lugging stuff up the stairs to my office, which remains a mess and now is even messier! But at least I'm getting the stuff that doesn't belong in the entry room out of the entry room. I'm just about ready to tackle my boxes, which will go (I guess--eeep) into the dining room. My poor dining room. :(

(The boxes are for auctions. I really need to post auctions, too. Maybe this coming weekend.)

I am attempting to make room for Bekah's stuff--she hooks up her laptop on my cookbook desk downstairs, and it's just not big enough for everything. So I'm hoping to make the top of Mabel's crate into a spot for her laptop bag and other stuff she has piled everywhere, so it can all be together and fairly sorted. Hopefully it will work.

The heat is supposed to last into next week. :(


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