Yard sale tomorrow. My car is pretty full already, and I still have boxes stacked in the entry room to take. Nothing is priced, but I do have stickers, and I'm not adverse to pricing things as I unpack, most definitely.

The rule is: Nothing comes back into the house UNLESS I think I can sell it on ebay. This might apply to the walking sticks I'm putting in the yard sale (the auction Dad and I are going to next weekend has walking sticks, so I'm Being Good and attempting to be rid of some early, just in case I get any of the ones at the auction), and maybe some of the kitchen stuff. Otherwise, it's all going to be donated to the church rummage sale and I will be rid of it.

So we'll see how much I can get rid of tomorrow. I'm pricing things to sell. :)

And it's so nice outside tonight--I wish I had a sleeping porch so I could sleep outside. (A sleeping porch is actually on my Absolute When I Win the Lottery or Figure Out How to Do it Without a lot of Cash Wishlist. The roof is already there; I just need to figure out how to frame it in, etc.)


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