Ack, ack, and double ack. My knee hurts. *g* Yes, it's me complaining again. My shoulder is actually not feeling too badly tonight, but I definitely twisted my knee or something. Oh well. I should just chop off my legs and be done with it, you know?

Anyway, so far tonight I've worked down the basement and walked. I'm going to get the last load of laundry in a minute, and then I can write. (yay) The prologue is coming along nicely, btw, if anyone cares. :)

Oh, and I haven't forgotten to reply to the comment down below about prologues; I just haven't had a chance to formulate a reply yet! Never fear.

Anyway, hope everyone else has a good night.

My great news for the day? I got a raise. Enough of a raise to be quite well-off (Well, in my mind, at least) and possibly be able to either put a sizeable down payment on my truck or pay it off if I get off my duff and start posting books on ebay again. I'm never going to do the 100 auctions a week again, mind you; I've set my limit at 20. But I'm due to post more asap. Anyway, I'm really happy about the raise. Things are looking up, in that respect.


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