Another quick update...

My sister is coming to visit this evening! Yay. She should be here around 8-9pm.

I'm still down the basement, of course. I'm going through the pile of clothes right now, and finding some to post tomorrow. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the pile of clothes, because I have about 200-250 books already in a pile to be posted. *sigh* I will never get done with the auctions.

But anyway, the basement is looking nice. I'm still not sure about a couple of things, but I figure it's a work-in-progress for a while anyway. I have four boxes/containers to go through, two containers of craft supplies, and then the pile of auction stuff that I'd like to have moved this evening. We will see. I might put Emily to work when she gets here. *g*

So anyway, I'm going to finish cleaning the toliet, and then go back down the basement.

More later, perhaps.


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