I completely forgot to post updates yesterday. And what day are we on now anyway? Let's see... Day 40, I guess.

I didn't walk yesterday, but I was on my feet for most of the day. It rained, and was cold and icky... I know, that's not a good excuse at all. :)

I did have a nice visit with Emily, though. Too short, but nice nonetheless.

Today's goals:

1. Keep working on the basement. I got quite a bit done over the weekend, but not nearly as much as I hoped. Arguing just didn't help.

2. Post auctions. I wrote up 32 book auctions last night and only got a handful actually posted, so I'd like to post them and write up more.

3. Write... of course. Didn't get much done this weekend, but I did get past the climax of the prologue. Yay me.

I think that's about it. Right now I'm sitting here at work trying not to fall asleep... More later, I hope.


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