There's this advertisement on the radio that I just have to comment on. It irks me.

It's for Gold's Gym, which is a local-ish gym around here. Never been, will never go, but that's another story.

In it, a brutish-sounding guy pulls up to a drive-thru and orders something like a triple cheeseburger with bacon, two chicken sandwiches and a large order of chili cheese fries. The clerk repeats his order and asks if he wants anything else to go with that. He says hold on a second, kids, do you want anything?

An announcer breaks in to say that if you want a new body for the New Year, you should try out a Gold's Gym membership. That to get rid of the flab, etc., you should go to the gym.

(Honestly, the only thing this guy would get at the gym would be a heart attack.)

Back to the drive-thru lane, and the clerk totals his order. He goes, "Wait a sec, can I have a Diet Coke with that?" (Like it would help.)

The announcer again, with cheesy music in the background, touting the gym's miraculous fitness regime. And they fade out.

Oh, give me a break! Does anyone actually believe that going to the gym would actually help this guy or any guys like him? (I'm thinking of someone in particular who wouldn't hesitate to stop at Rally's for a triple cheeseburger and chili cheese fries and then come home and eat supper--maybe two chicken breasts with all the trimmings and ended up with Type 2 diabetes.)

Hello?! Cut back on the damned fast food and you'd see an improvement in your waistline and your pocketbook without the gym fees. When is the last time you cooked something for yourself that wasn't dripping in fat and calories? We are so a slave to convenience these days that just a little bit of effort isn't worth anything in most of our minds. It's pitiful. And sad.

Is this what we've come to as a nation? Are we really that self-centered? :(


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