I made it to 11,515 words today on Transformation, which means the yard sale wasn't entirely dead, but it wasn't really busy, either. Oh well. I haven't counted up my money yet, but I think it's about $30.

I spent $10, which wasn't bad at all, and actually bought something I needed--a little (brand new) dust buster type sweeper for $3 and a handmade (and signed) large-ish basket for $5. I also bought the cats some little beanie babies so they could have some new toys.

There was one casualty of the day--last night, I left my mug up at church, and Mom washed it out and set it aside for me. I put it in the bag I brought with my markers and stuff when I got to church, and set it safely on a chair. Well, the bag fell off the chair and my mug broke. :(

I was pretty much waiting for it to break, because I'd counted no less than four cracks that were slowly inching towards each other, but even then. Poor thing. I would have much rather had it break while in use, instead of by accident. But it served me well. It will go in my pile for the mosaic hearth I'm going to make eventually, more than likely.

So I got out the mug I bought to replace it, and I'm not sure I'm going to use it. It's awfully light compared to my other one, and it just seems too fragile. At the moment, I'm using one I picked up from Pier 1 (which if it was just a little bigger, would be fine) and I'm going to see if I can't just find a proper replacement on ebay or something. That's a minimal cost, after all, or it should be.


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