The further adventures of Jennifer attempting to file the paperwork for the dissolution...

So. I stay home from work this morning, and after scrabbling around trying to make sure I had everything, I went back to the courthouse.

Only to discover that I was missing one piece of paper that both of us needed to sign.

I couldn't help it. I nearly burst into tears right then and there.

Back to the law library, where the same lady from yesterday gave me the paper I needed. Back to their humungous (sp?) copier, that at least I knew how to operate this time. "Thanks for your help," I said on the way out the door. "I hope I don't have to come back." (Not that the law library is a horrible place; it isn't, but she knew what I meant.)

So I stomped back out to my car, called Chris, and ordered him to tell me where he was working today. "Don't say one word. I am furious right now, and I don't need to hear it. Just tell me where you are and I'll drive over there and get you to sign this paper, and then go file the paperwork."

So he told me, and I drove there, wondering if I'd make my 1pm meeting at work. It was then 10:30. I called work, explained the situation, and told them I would hopefully get there for the meeting.

Back to the courthouse. I had to drive around the block just once to get a parking space. Used my last 90 cents (literally, save for a handful of pennies) for the meter. Went back through the security stuff. Had to show the lady my Visor and keyboard again. (It did look like some kind of detonator device on the screen! Weird.) Went back upstairs. Ended up getting the same guy I had this morning.

We went over the paperwork. We had everything. He said I didn't need to leave the stuff about kids in there, because obviously we have no children.

He stamped the paperwork and made copies. And then informed me that our judge was a stickler for protocol, and that if the review board asked me to change any information on the paperwork, to do it, because she was a stickler for the rules, whatever they are. *sigh* Of course.

The court date is December 9th, 9:00am.

Picture that date on the calendar of your mind and pray like crazy that everything goes well. Please.


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