Okay, that's a bit much. I went to purchase a ticket for HP2 tomorrow night, and after my ticket purchase, this little window pops up. "Thank you for your purchase! We'd like to send you a free "Thank You" gift. Type "Hi" or "Hello" and a live representative will be with you shortly." They wanted to enroll me in some Savers Club and send me grocery coupons. Suuuure.

Is this the new thing for solicitors? Geez.

Went to the PO tonight with the second to last load* to catch up on ebay shipping. The last load will be taken to the PO before the movie tomorrow night, and then I will be finished! Yay! (The movie is my treat for getting done, so I have an incentive to actually do it.) And then, I get to load my car up with more stuff and drive to Bethel again. The more I get moved before I actually move, the better, in my opinion.

* The reason why I didn't take it all tonight? I ran out of brown wrapping paper--again. So I had to stop at Krogers to get some. I have it now, though. Thank goodness. And it was still on sale!


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