Today I had to go all the way to Beechmont to get dog food, because I was just about out and the Feed Store wasn't open today. Argh! But we stopped at Goodwill (both of them, really) and I did get some nice sweaters-for-fabric, some shirts for myself, and some other stuff too. Not bad.

When I got home, I went out in the garden and pulled up the cranberry beans. I should have picked them Saturday, but it rained right before I intended to go pick them. Unfortunately, I lost quite a few (they were starting to sprout) but I did get some good ones. I don't think I'll plant them next year, though.

Then I cleaned up one half of the garden that had all the vines (now dead) and cleared off a rectangle for lettuce, a smaller rectangle for broccoli, and also planted the peas. So we'll see how they do. I ended up just mixing the lettuce together and planting it (the spinach isn't here yet) which I may do next year in the lettuce spot too if it works.

I picked more green beans (about 5lbs) and some tomatoes and a pepper I must have missed last time, because it was huge. The pepper plants are really growing well.

And I also carefully dug around two of the sweet potatoes, just to see what was there. And guess what? I have sweet potatoes! And they are red! I didn't think sweet potatoes were red, but whatever. Maybe it's the variety.

So yay!!!

I didn't get any bread made today, because we went down the road. So that's my excuse. But it's cool enough outside to bake, so expect bread soon. :)


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