So today was the Farmer's Market in Hyde Park and I was on Elsa duty, so I went with my sister.

My intention was to buy bread from the Blue Oven Bakery, get more maple syrup, and more honey, plus some eggplant and maybe some big bell peppers to supplement the smaller ones I am picking.

I bought bread--had to wait in line for 10 minutes, but I got what I wanted--and more maple syrup. I did not buy honey at the Farmer's Market, because I thought it was a bit expensive. And I did get some peppers and eggplant.

I also bought a half bushel of apples--well, we actually bought a bushel and a half, but only half are mine. Empire and Mutsu (my favorite) are great varieties; Mutsu is large and greenish yellow and Empire is smaller and dark red.

I can't eat a whole apple by myself in my house. Let me see if I can show you why...

And then, I came home and finally got to go out into my own garden to pick stuff, and ended up with a million lima beans to shell. (Okay, probably not quite a million, but the smaller, regular colored limas are starting to come on, too, and they are loaded. So are the Christmas Limas.) And I picked some peppers, two tomatoes from my one remaining (barely) living tomato plant, more shell beans, more purple podded green beans, one huge zucchini (the last one, I think), and a couple of small acorn squash.


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