Ugh. My sinuses aren't happy right now. I'm not sure why, although I did kick up a lot of dust today while moving furniture. I am drinking the Magic Tea right now. Hopefully that will help.

But anyway, my stuff for Burlington is in Dad's van, I'm really tired and achy (moving furniture), and I'm going to bake brownies because, well, I feel like baking brownies.

I did not mow my grass. And I really, really need to do some dishes; I am going to do my best to do dishes while the brownies are baking. I really am. I promise.

Something in my kitchen smells like rotten tomatoes, only there isn't anything in my kitchen that should be smelling like rotten tomatoes unless I've totally missed something.

The long bench and half-a-table are still displaced; I'm not going to get into this room today, so they might stay where they are for a little while. And I forgot to add my stovetop drying rack to the list; it was on top of Mabel's crate, but can't be there anymore.

I'll make it work somehow.


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