So she/he (I'm leaning towards a boy, but I'm not sure) decided to be an elf. And she/he also decided that I needed to use the sample yarn that came today--a mixture of brunette and brunette mixed with forest green and dirty blonde, I think (I don't have the paper here at this desk, but I'm positive about the forest green.)

So this isn't a good picture at all, but you get the idea. I had to rework the child-sized pattern again, because the head I drew ended up being way too small for my miniaturization of the original pattern, and I thought that if I wanted to do a child, well, children don't have curves, per se. So I had to rework the body.

I'm not sure if I'll have to rework the arms and legs--I like Grey's idea of using pipe cleaners, but I would probably use them as the skeleton and still have cashmere overtop. If that makes sense.

I'll have better pics tomorrow.

It was still too wet to till tonight. Hopefully it won't rain (there's a chance, but just a chance) and by tomorrow night I will be able to till again.

I am off all day tomorrow, but I am watching Ethan all day. So that will be... interesting. ;)


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