Okay, it's Day 1 and I should probably own up and post my lists. :)

Today and tomorrow, I'm working inside. I have all week to enjoy the weather, and inside needs to Get Done. I just have to decide if I'm tackling Upstairs or Downstairs today. I'm leaning towards downstairs. For some reason, I have it in my head that downstairs is easier. (Which shouldn't be true. It's because I'm avoiding cleaning the upstairs bathroom, in truth. Despite the fact that I know it has to be done sooner than later.)

So anyway, onto the lists. I didn't break them down, since I'm aiming to get it done. If I intended to break each section of the house up into pieces, I would have named specific things, so basically what I have is a list of rooms and some expansion where necessary.


--Clean bedroom completely
--Clean my hallway
--Clean upstairs bathroom (boo! hiss!)
--Clean/organize office
--Clean/organize closet in office
--Clean upstairs hallway and staircase


--Clean Kitchen
--Clean laundry room
--Clean Entry Room
--Clean Green Room
--Clean downstairs bathroom
--Clean hallway (downstairs)
--Clean Living Room

(The dining room goes under a different heading.)


--Write (I'm working on SYWTBAV now, because I needed a break from TSS)
--Go through notgarbage boxes in basement
--Clean off side porch
--Clean off front porch
--Shed? (probably not--it will be on my list for years)
--Clean out/organize chest freezer in basement
--Clean out/organize refrigerator and freezer in kitchen

Other #2:

--Finish wallpaper in kitchen
--Bake bread in manual bread machine
--Work on organizing auctions for ebay/post auctions Saturday (that's today!)/clean up & organize Dining Room
--Give Mabel a bath
--Trim Mabel's nails
--Buy cat litter, dog food, zinnia seeds, sunflower seeds, outside cat food, topsoil to mix dirt
--Make a bag to use as a purse that isn't as big as the one I'm using now when I don't want to lug around my usual bag.
--Take pictures of new blooming things, including potatoes and coreopsis and others
--Make lots of pizza dough to freeze! And a pizza or two to eat!


--Repot peppers, eggplant, and whatever else is ready to be repotted
--Mix up batch of dirt (these really should be switched)
--Finish weeding front flowerbed (after it rains!)
--Plant cucumbers and squash (after it rains!)
--Plant sweet potatoes, and anything else that is ready to be planted
--Mow grass? (after it rains!)
--Till last remaining bit of garden
--Mulch garden (after I plant and it rains!)
--Mulch berry patch, quince, and gooseberry
--Work on expanding well and cistern flowerbeds (They may eventually meet.)
--Plant pineapple sage in pots
--Sow carrots in pots? (this is an experiment)
--Work on herb/kitchen garden bed by cistern, plant out more herbs
--Wake up early and take a bike ride at least once!

There will probably be more added to the lists, because I'm sure I didn't think of everything. But that's it for the most part. I intend to refer back to this post during the week and cross things off as I go along.

(And just in case you are wondering--I don't mind one bit spending a week of vacation doing this stuff. I really don't. This is my relaxation week, and I find most of the things on my list (with the exception of the upstairs bathroom, perhaps) relaxing. And there are some fun things on the list too. Yes, I am weird.)


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