I planted the lima beans tonight. Mom said that it was too early to plant lima beans, but we'll see. Last year, I planted them on May 30th. So we'll see if they grow. They are leftovers from last year too.

I didn't get much else done in the garden today. Yesterday was a bit exhausting.

I am reworking my to-do lists, though, because the lists I give myself every weekend are just not working out. Sure, I cross some things off, but not nearly as much as I should, or else I cross off different things. So I'm going to make a really long list of things I need to do and then sort them and prioritize them. Hopefully that will work.

And I'm going to try to get more done during the week. I can't do everything in the three days that I'm off, after all. Surely I can work at getting stuff done during the week, despite the fact that I don't get home until 6:15pm and I go to bed at 10pm. Surely I can get something done. It's really bad when I have all these ideas, and then end up not getting anything done at all because I can't decide which one to work on first. Or so many things to do, and I end up working on something else because I can't decide.

However, I did get the majority of my clothes put away today. This is a big task I've been putting off for months, and they've been piling up and piling up. With the switch out between summer and winter clothes, I had to do something soon or else I would go nuts.

Another reason why I need to get a to-do list (or notebook, even) in place is because I don't want to put off all of this stuff and end up having to do it on the week I'm off. I know myself. If I'm not careful, I'll end up with a to-do list for my vacation a mile long, and when I can't get everything done on the list, I'll end up getting nothing done. And then I'll be just as frustrated (or more) than before.

That's my closet perfectionism showing itself, and I wish it would just go away. (Meaning: If I can't do it all, I end up not doing any of it. Or not finishing it if I do start.) I just need to do it, dammit.

Maybe that's what I'll call my list.


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