Okay. Next time I decide to buy a bunch of plants and trees that need holes dug to be planted, someone remind me that digging thirteen holes during one day isn't exactly what you could call fun?

Especially since the only rounded shovel I own is a tall handled one, which is awkward to use when digging holes? I so have to buy a short handled skinny shovel (whatever they're proper names are) and a short-handled rounded shovel. Maybe I'll find one at Goodwill, where I found most of the rest of my tools. Or a yard sale. I hate paying full price!

So anyway, after much thought and deliberation, everything is planted. Everything is planted in the backyard, too. It took me forever to figure out, but finally, it's done.

Over where I planted the Quince, I dug down at least 10 inches before hitting clay. That's a pretty good topsoil around here--a lot of times it's clay only a few inches down. It's nice yellow clay, though; perfect for making something like an outdoor oven or something. *sigh* Wood-fired bread... Mmm.

But anyway, since I'm not going to get that elaborate (yet), I'm done with the big stuff. I do have a flat full of things to plant sitting back there waiting patiently, but I can actually do that after I get back from running an errand.

There is something to be said for the silence of a warm spring day, silence except for the birds and my thoughts. Sometimes I wish I could finagle it so I could be out in the garden full-time instead of stuck in an office. Alas, that time is not now, and won't be arriving for a while, unless something unforeseen happens.

But it was so nice to spend time outside without worrying what else needs to be done, inside or out. I concentrated on the task at hand, took some breaks just sitting in one of my chairs and contemplating my eventual berry patch, and got the job done.

I'll finish up by planting the various herbs and flowers that need to be planted, and then I sent a prayer to the Patron Saint of Gardening (there is one, I'm sure--Aha! Google comes to the rescue again--St. Fiacre. More here. And here. How cool!) that everything grows well. So we'll see.

But anyway, I have to run my errands, so just an update for now.

(My peonies are blooming!)


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