I think I'm officially suffering from middleitis.

This is the malady known only to writers in which you begin to believe that the book you're working on is total trash, or, in mild cases, just disjointed and confusing. So you go back and reread what you have so far, and discover that it's not nearly as bad as you feared.

Or, at least, that's how it happens to me.

So I reread TER this morning, and it's not trash.

See, one of the problems with writing on a small screen is that you only see a certain amount of lines at a time and some scenes feel like they take forever to get through. I'm in one of those scenes now. It's not really forever, of course. It just feels that way sometimes.

So anyway, I'm writing this afternoon. Hopefully I will be able to get a goodly amount done. I am impatient to finish SCR, as well as get my edits done and off to where they need to go.


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