Well, my camera battery is just about dead; it died earlier last week and when I went to recharge it, it wouldn't charge. Lovely.

I did manage to snap a couple of pictures, though; I'm not sure it has enough juice for auctions, but we'll see.

Great. And now the disk is screwing up. I am starting to wonder if it's the camera; it's seven years old in February.

Okay, I got all but one of the pictures. Thankfully, that one was a duplicate. Here they are:

This is the plant wall--it was a blank wall before.
The quilt is there for the cats, of course.

This is what I'm working on now.
Everything comes off; then I get to go through it, organize it, etc.

Here is the nicely organized shelves with the new cereal containers,
and some of my new pots and pans.

And here is Mabel and her new pillow.
As you can see, she really likes it a lot.
(And that is her glove on the floor; I can't find the other one, so why not?)


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