List for the weekend:

--Order asparagus, amaranth seed, sesame (?), herbs, etc. from Seeds of Change. They are also having a 'free shipping on apple trees' promotion--do I want to get one from them? Decide.

--Sprinkle lettuce seed among garlic. Go through other seeds and see what else I can sprinkle in the kitchen garden bed.

--Start seeds?

--Clean up kitchen and laundry room. Start in entry room if there's time. Work in Dining Room, too.

--Post auctions

--Water plants


--Do dishes

--Write Transformation, and finish the one chapter I had hoped wasn't lost, but was. *sigh*

--Silent auction @ church

--Finish my hat, make another one

--Banners for Mom

--Update Plethora

--Update Heart's Desire


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