I have to try this.
If this works, I just emailed my blog again. It worked the last time, but who knows. I really think this feature could come in handy.
Thoughts of the morning:
I'd make another list, but I'm kind of hesitating on lists until I hear about the truck. It seems kind of silly to make a list of pros and cons of living near work/far away from work until I know what my options are, you know?
Rents are cheaper in the country. I can rent a one bedroom (four rooms, I'd imagine) cottage for about $375 a month south of Columbus. The log cabin (on five acres, even) was $450 a month. Around work, I'd be lucky if I got a one bedroom apartment (or a efficiency) for $395 a month. A two
bedroom townhouse around here goes for upwards of $600-$1000 a month, depending on the location. I don't really need a two bedroom townhouse (with a basement, which I'm in now, for $540 a month.) A two bedroom apartment would do. (Chris doesn't think I will fit all my stuff in a two bedroom apartment, btw. I think otherwise.)
Living close to work would save on gas, yes, and I've always wanted to be able to walk or ride my bike to work. But does the gas saved equal the cost of the extra rent? I have my doubts. (Of course this is all moot if I don't get the truck, but it still doesn't hurt to examine an option or two as I go along. If anything, I suffer from too much planning syndrome. It's a Libra thing. I have to see all sides of an issue before I make a decision, and then I have trouble making the decision.)
If I had my druthers, I would move out of town. You already know that. I already know that. Even though we might end up moving our office downtown, I'd still be happier living in the "country". The offer of first month's rent/security deposit still stands from Mom and Dad as well, so I don't even have to worry about that. A guy I work with has offered to help me move furniture (what little there is of mine that I can't move myself: the dining room set, the futon, two heavy bookcases, and the aquarium*. My. Is that it? thinking Yeah... I think so. I mean, I can move everything else myself, really. Oh... and the only thing (so far) that I've listed on my "will have to buy" list is a sweeper and a small freezer. Isn't that nice? And even the freezer is rather optional, although not really.)
My big sticking point with the country is the possible lack of a cable modem. My intention is to not have a landline and just use my cell phone as my home phone. But if I have to have dialup, I can't do that (Well, I could look into hooking the computer up to the cell phone, but that seems to be a bit complicated, not to mention possibly expensive.) I paid about $20 a month for my own phone line in Bethel, and $20 a month for dialup access. In my mind, $50 a month for road runner is well worth it, and I can easily make $50 a month on ebay to pay for it, if necessary.
Do I worry about these little things too much? Well, yeah. It's my one big fault, I guess. Examining all the issues and getting bogged down in the details. But I just wanted you all to see how my twisted mind works. *g*
*It's Chris' aquarium. It's (I think) 60 gallons, and has about five inches of water and scum in it. It's a breeding ground for mold and mildew and other gross things--and he doesn't want it anymore. Fester is currently in a 20 gallon long aquarium. He has needed a new home for years, but I've never gotten up enough gumption to buy him an expensive aquarium. When I asked Chris about it, he said he didn't want it, so guess what? It will be Fester's new home. He'll be able to climb, and he will have enough room to stretch out for once in his poor lifetime. Joy. But of course, *I* get to clean it out. That will be oh so fun.
This is an awfully long entry. My.
Thoughts of the morning:
I'd make another list, but I'm kind of hesitating on lists until I hear about the truck. It seems kind of silly to make a list of pros and cons of living near work/far away from work until I know what my options are, you know?
Rents are cheaper in the country. I can rent a one bedroom (four rooms, I'd imagine) cottage for about $375 a month south of Columbus. The log cabin (on five acres, even) was $450 a month. Around work, I'd be lucky if I got a one bedroom apartment (or a efficiency) for $395 a month. A two
bedroom townhouse around here goes for upwards of $600-$1000 a month, depending on the location. I don't really need a two bedroom townhouse (with a basement, which I'm in now, for $540 a month.) A two bedroom apartment would do. (Chris doesn't think I will fit all my stuff in a two bedroom apartment, btw. I think otherwise.)
Living close to work would save on gas, yes, and I've always wanted to be able to walk or ride my bike to work. But does the gas saved equal the cost of the extra rent? I have my doubts. (Of course this is all moot if I don't get the truck, but it still doesn't hurt to examine an option or two as I go along. If anything, I suffer from too much planning syndrome. It's a Libra thing. I have to see all sides of an issue before I make a decision, and then I have trouble making the decision.)
If I had my druthers, I would move out of town. You already know that. I already know that. Even though we might end up moving our office downtown, I'd still be happier living in the "country". The offer of first month's rent/security deposit still stands from Mom and Dad as well, so I don't even have to worry about that. A guy I work with has offered to help me move furniture (what little there is of mine that I can't move myself: the dining room set, the futon, two heavy bookcases, and the aquarium*. My. Is that it? thinking Yeah... I think so. I mean, I can move everything else myself, really. Oh... and the only thing (so far) that I've listed on my "will have to buy" list is a sweeper and a small freezer. Isn't that nice? And even the freezer is rather optional, although not really.)
My big sticking point with the country is the possible lack of a cable modem. My intention is to not have a landline and just use my cell phone as my home phone. But if I have to have dialup, I can't do that (Well, I could look into hooking the computer up to the cell phone, but that seems to be a bit complicated, not to mention possibly expensive.) I paid about $20 a month for my own phone line in Bethel, and $20 a month for dialup access. In my mind, $50 a month for road runner is well worth it, and I can easily make $50 a month on ebay to pay for it, if necessary.
Do I worry about these little things too much? Well, yeah. It's my one big fault, I guess. Examining all the issues and getting bogged down in the details. But I just wanted you all to see how my twisted mind works. *g*
*It's Chris' aquarium. It's (I think) 60 gallons, and has about five inches of water and scum in it. It's a breeding ground for mold and mildew and other gross things--and he doesn't want it anymore. Fester is currently in a 20 gallon long aquarium. He has needed a new home for years, but I've never gotten up enough gumption to buy him an expensive aquarium. When I asked Chris about it, he said he didn't want it, so guess what? It will be Fester's new home. He'll be able to climb, and he will have enough room to stretch out for once in his poor lifetime. Joy. But of course, *I* get to clean it out. That will be oh so fun.
This is an awfully long entry. My.