Speaking of auctions, I've spent most of today writing more book auctions up. I have almost all the books to post upstairs now, but there are still plenty left on the dining room table. *sigh* Will they never end? (Actually, they will. I'm not sure I'll get all the book auctions written up tonight (my goal) but I'll be close. And then... onto everything else. Yeep.)

And speaking of movies, although I wasn't really speaking of movies... I splurged and ordered in a movie last night. And I will say, for the record, that Dragonfly was the best movie I've watched recently. It reminded me of The Sixth Sense, with the twist at the end, and I sobbed like a baby when I realized what that twist was. :) Oh, it was good. It was so good that I watched it and taped it a second time last night, and watched it again today. (Yes. I'm pitiful.) But... oh boy. Kevin Costner not withstanding (actually, I thought he was pretty good in this movie) it was fabulous. I'd give it eight fingers, ten toes, and two thumbs up. Go see it.

And in other news... well, I have no other news. But I did have another weird dream this morning... It was one of those serial prequel dreams in which I knew I had dreamed of what happens next, but this was what happened before. If that makes sense. It involved spies, a group of people of different nationalities, and lots of black arrows, trying to kill us. I was trying to hide behind an upholstered chair while the arrows were flying, and desperately tried to reassure myself that I didn't die, I was just wounded. But the two people who died... I couldn't warn them. And I woke myself up when I tried to curl even further under the chair, which was really my blanket. *g* I woke myself up when I put my head under the blanket to hide. It was really weird. It took me a while to get back to sleep after that one.

And I've talked enough tonight. I need to write up the rest of those auctions.


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