Shoes. I dreamed of shoes last night.

Well, actually, I dreamed the dream this morning, but I'm not sure why. I don't remember where we were (this was my family) but it was either somewhere in Florida or somewhere near the ocean. At the back of the "house", which actually ended in the water, there was a small alcove and stairs leading down. For some reason, I was sitting at the top of the stairs, watching the water, I guess, when I realized that the ocean had carried off my white sandals. I made a grab for them, caught one, and then found another shoe. And another. And another. And another. All different styles and brands, from little baby shoes to adult shoes.

I lined them up along the top of the stairs and kept fetching what the ocean would bring me. Dresses. Unopened figures, like from movies. (Surprisingly enough, none of this stuff was wet or ruined from being in the water.) There was junk too; garbage and gross stuff that you'd usually find in polluted water. But I took everything out. Soon, I had a mini secondhand shop going at the top of the stairs, and still the stuff was washed into my hands.

Then Mom was there, and she told me to throw the garbage away. And I said, "Not back in the ocean?" and she said "Of course not." And still the stuff came. A thought swam into my mind, that the ocean was trying to rid itself of the garbage inside of it, and had chosen me for the job.

And then I woke up.

Earlier, I had another dream. My dad and I were at some sort of toy factory, and one of the owners--not one of the Family of owners, but the general manager, I guess--showed up. He offered to take us on a tour. And it was a sweatshop-like setup, with a bunch of immigrant workers and two of them got into a fight right in front of our eyes. The manager guy was trying to show us how the toys were made, but it was obvious that he had no idea how to work the tools, much less how to put the toys together.

And I woke up again.

Weird dreams.


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