Another accident tonight on 125--very close to the last one, and they closed the road again. I am wondering if that section of road isn't cursed or something, because this isn't a blind curve or anything like that. Not a bad stretch of road at all. It's strange.

So I went around the long way, through Williamsburg, and saw more evidence of the high winds the other night--an entire storage barn (One of those rent a storage thingys) completely in pieces and strewn across an entire field. Very surreal.

Grey sent me another yogurt starter, and I got it in the mail today. It smells really good! So I have it startering away on the radiator in the entry room. We'll see how it looks in the morning.

I made slow cooker oatmeal for breakfast overnight. I tweaked the recipe a lot, and got up at 2am to stir it (I didn't just get up for that, honest.) And despite the fact that the recipe says it should be on low all night, I think warm would be just fine. Now I am on the lookout for a slow cooker rice pudding recipe. Mmmmm.

If anyone wants my adapted slow cooker oatmeal recipe, I will post it. Just let me know.

This weekend is Office weekend. I think I have a Plan. It is a Plan with a capital 'P', too. Yes, one of those. Hopefully it will work so I can get to my sewing machine and actually get some work done sewing hats. I will take pictures, especially of the Mountain of Fabric. They're rather scary, though. :)


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