I found a HFCS-free bread, quite by accident (and yes, I know it's after Lent, but hey, I might as well keep at it.)

Yesterday morning, on my way to Mom and Dad's, I heard a commercial on the radio for "Arnold's Natural Bread." It was touted as HFCS-free, among other things, which I found very amusing, considering all the grocery store breads that I picked up had HFCS.

It's made by Brownberry. And it's quite wonderful, taste-wise. I'm in love with the Healthy Nut variety. It's very yummy!

So now if I need to, I can buy bread at Kroger and not worry about it.

And it's time for me to buy a bike helmet. I could have ridden my bike today, but I didn't get home until late since I was Ethan-sitting and we stopped at Mom and Dad's. I joined Corva's group on Livejournal aiming for 50 miles a month, self-powered (foot, bike, or boat) and I think I might just be able to do it. After all, in a 30 day month, that's only 1.6 miles a day, and today I walked 1.5 miles (after 11am, since my pedometer wasn't working right until then. So more than that.)


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