After thinking about it a bit, I have decided that (provided Stoney End can do what I want, or, alternately, I get one that I won't grow out of quickly) I will make the harp be my motivation for finishing the cleaning/organizing of the house. Because I can't have a harp in the dining room with the dining room looking like it does, and I'm much more unlikely to practice if I have to practice in the Terrible Room of Clutter.

So. If I don't get done, I don't order the harp. If I do get done (I'm not counting Bekah and Ethan's rooms here; I am counting the hallway too, and I haven't decided on the shed, although I should count it and be done with it) then I will order it. And I will try my hand at music again.

This might mean, depending on how motivated I remain, spring. Which isn't all that far away. But we'll see. I can't justify buying one right now, because I don't have a place for it. And I don't want it to end up forgotten, and I do want my house to be clean and organized.

So that's the rule.

The kittens woke me up this morning (well, Loki was involved in it too) and I got up early because I wanted to get an early start on my room. Today it's not even supposed to get to 70--tomorrow the high is supposed to be 70. One website said a low of 38 tonight, which is getting pretty close to frost weather! I have to pick tomatoes and whatever else is ready to pick today, and clean.

They ran out from under my bed--so hopefully there aren't any surprises under my bed for me to find. I didn't hear them at all last night, so I'm assuming they slept in the living room where I left them last night. As far as I'm concerned, unless I find out otherwise, the bathroom door can stay open. Even Mabel is getting more used to them now.


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