My pretties!

The bottom picture are the Zapotec Pleated. Middle two are all from Ethan's garden--the pink and red Patio tomatoes, along with some small Brandywines. They're probably going to be frozen whole again. That would give me 100 frozen whole tomatoes. I think that's probably enough, but who knows?

I didn't get them done today, though; I did, however, make Three Seed Bread and start some scary pickles. In 1-4 weeks, all depending, I'll either have time bombs or pickles! I hope those really were grape leaves that I picked. (Only half kidding!) Hmm, I bet he would like my Rice Wine recipe.

(Did I mention that the rice wine stopped bubbling? And it is now sweet? I cooked a piece of chicken in my wine and some of my vinegar (I figured why not?) not that long ago and it was delicious. So what the recipe fails to say is that it needs to sit and bubble for a while, and then it's done. I have not, however, tasted it yet. I'm still not sure I would like it. I'm trying to gather up the courage to take a sip.)


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